Welcome to the Debt Collective


Our platform has been a long time in development. But it is finally here!

Please create an account to access the following features:

• A series of collectives organized by debt type that people can join
• A wiki where you can learn more about debts of all kinds, including tips and tricks for stopping collections
• A new-and-improved series of debt dispute tools.

The centerpiece of our new platform is our community forum (where you are now!). The community is a place where debtors can post, read others’ posts, and meet and talk with other people. This is a key part of our platform because we are dedicated to grassroots organizing and to developing democratic decision making together. This means that YOU will have a voice in deciding what we all do together to fight back against creditors, collectors and the government agencies that are extracting from us.

We welcome your suggestions for how we can make this space more user friendly, so feel free to give us your feedback!

The Debt Collective


Thank you so much for getting this going. Former AI California Los Angeles student.


Much appreciated for your efforts…Parent of former Ai Los Angeles student.


I am a former AI-Chicago student. My school closed in my junior year and i did not graduat. Now i am stuck with $31,000 debt in srudent loan. I am a single parent of three kids and u’m almost losing my mind! I need help…


Thank you for this I went to AI Philadelphia, I have about 165,000 left in my loans


Wow @mamamio7. We are planning big things in Chicago, so we can work together to fight that debt, but you should be eligible for something called Closed School Discharge. https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/repay-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/closed-school


I am a former ITT student from Fort Wayne indiana. I was a student in good standing when it abruptly closed in sept 2016. I have sent all the appropriate paperwork for loan forgiveness and have not heard back. Now our fed tax check has been taken. I would greatly appreciate any advice that could be given.


Go to tools.debtcollective.org

It’s the “Dispute you Debt” option on this website. You need to stop the tax offset and garnishment then file BDTR. If your school closed within 120 days of you last being enrolled, you should be eligible for closed School discharge, and they shouldn’t even legally be taking your money if they closed while you were enrolled.


Thanks for creating this collective. Not planning on disputing anything right now; I’m just checking this out and seeing what my options are. Also glad to not feel alone in this situation.


Welcome to the Debt Collective @Kukicha

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Wow! Didn’t know this existed and stumbled across it. I was a single mom since my son was 2. I went back and forth with fighting to get my child support, etc. Decided to try to finish my college schooling and get my degree. “Life” happened too many times, and I would stop and then start school again. Through it all, I guess I didn’t educate myself well enough on the loan part. I never even finished my degree. Later, I ended up having to claim bankruptcy. My loans went into a stay and they have accrued so much interest… I calculated that I’ll be about 75 years old when they are paid off. The last time I spoke to my loan servicer they said, “you do realize that your payment is only going to cover interest right?” That’s overwhelming to me. I’m looking forward to completing my bankruptcy, but the payment I’ve been making for my payment plan (Chapter 13) will be replaced with even higher school loan payment. Sorry for the long post.



I hope this helps. Most loan terms include caveats in case the school closes or loses accreditation. You should call the lender for your student loan ASAP because you may even be able to get back some interest you paid AFTER the school closed. If it closes, especially before you have your degree, it is hard for the remnants of the school admin to make you repay. Essentially, tuition is an investment. That is the whole point. Few can afford college outright these days, but if the lender sets a loan repayment you can make a claim based on the terms of your loans. Try to know all your diagnosis, and prognosis. Give them the worst case scenario. A school who won’t refund your tuition after breaking the basis for the agreement and the terms for repayment. You never got what you paid for, and you no longer have the privilege to start over. This awful treatment towards students, and their hopes and dreams of education and success are one of those awful and unlivable scenarios. Call the lender and ask how they handle loans that no longer have value because you didn’t get what you bought, which is, an actual degree; nor did you get a refund, even though you lost more than money. You actually lost money because you paid quite a bit in good faith. You also lost years where you could have been studying somewhere with integrity and honesty as values, rather than a school with fast subsequent devaluation of your education. Then the school and opportunity closeup even though you already did your part and made the investment. It’s scary. I feel I will be in debt forever. I am also now permanently disabled, which makes my degree pretty useless.

Good luck to you!


Hello!! Thanks for forming this platform. I’m so glad I found it. I am a parent with student loan debt for my daughter from years ago, and I also have a student loan from a school I did not complete, and the school closed. Glad to be here for tips and guidance.


Would 60 TRILLION help Americans? I bet it would. The bankers are THE problem …

Federal Reserve and US Treasury “secretly” gave away 60 TRILLION
The Federal Reserve “secretly” funneled 60 TRILLION through AIG and intentionally withheld this information from disclosure. By comparison, the entire 2019 Federal Budget was “just” 4 trillion, all student debt 2 trillion and all consumer debt 20 trillion.
Even though the Federal Reserve successfully withheld this information from disclosure in the AIG Schedule A SEC filing, the 60 TRILLION is substantiated in three congressional documents below.

AIG Bailout was $60 TRILLION
The massive AIG bailout (credit default swaps) is detailed in AIG Bailout Oversight Hearing, Panel 1, Oct. 8, 2008. Eric Dinalo participated in the AIG matter as NY State Insurance Superintendent and estimated the bailout at $60 trillion. Others; Maloney ($57 trillion), Yarmuth ($62 trillion), Turner (63), Braley (63), Welch (62), Sarbanes (62). The participants state that $60 trillion is equal to the value of the NYSE or production for the entire planet for one year. The recent annual federal budget was “just” 4 trillion … The nature of the “naked” credit default swaps is also set forth; essentially gambling, no collateral, no ownership of underlying asset, no return value, no cap relative to underlying asset.

Audit of Federal Reserve Substantiates Bailout Amounts
The magnitude of the AIG bailout is seemingly confirmed in the first-ever audit of the Federal Reserve. GAO, Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Policies and Processes for Managing Emergency Assistance, GAO-11-696. Table 8 (page 131), 2011. In assessing the GAO audit, the Levy Institute estimated the bailout cost at $29 trillion (Levy Institute, Working Paper No. 698, December 2011, $29,000,000,000,000: A Detailed Look at the Fed’s Bailout by Funding Facility and Recipient). Recipients: Citigroup: $2.5 trillion, Morgan Stanley: $2 trillion, Merrill Lynch: $2 trillion, Bank of America: $1.3 trillion, Bear Sterns: $800 B, Goldman Sachs: $800 B, Lehman $180 B. Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $800 B Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $500 B, JP Morgan Chase: $400 B, Deutsche Bank (Germany): $350 B, UBS (Switzerland): $300 B, Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $250 B, Lehman Brothers: $200 B, Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $200 B, BNP Paribas (France): $200 B. That might only be half (29 out of 60 trillion) …

Bailout Intentionally Withheld from Public Disclosure
The “extraordinary” withholding of disclosure is detailed in House of Representatives, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Public Disclosure as a Last Resort: How the Federal Reserve Fought to Cover Up the Details of the AIG Counterparties Bailout from the American People, Special Report, US House, January 25, 2010. When the SEC sought full disclosure of the amounts and recipients the FRBNY responded that this “requirement is giving us some pause, since we haven’t otherwise disclosed this information to Congress.” The “FRBNY clearly hoped to prevent Congress from fully understanding the payments to AIG’s counterparties” (pg 13).
The Committee concluded that the “fact that a quasi-government agency, unaccountable to the American people, likely wasted billions of taxpayer dollars and went to great lengths to prevent Congress and the American people from learning about these actions demonstrates the threat that the Federal Reserve poses to basic principles of American democracy.” (emphasis added)

Ultimately, the SEC granted a request by AIG to keep the bailout confidential as described in federal lawsuits brought by AIG shareholders against the US for unfair treatment in the bailout. Hilarious … taking into account the “secret” part of the bailout means that AIG received 98% of all bailout funds which doesn’t seem “unfair.” Despite this obvious defense, the US attorneys never sought or offered this information to any of the three courts (Federal Court of Claims, Federal Circuit and US Supreme Court).

Federal Reserve and US Treasury Claim Profit
Despite the evidence that $60,000 billion in losses were secretly funneled through AIG, the FRNY and US Treasury claimed a profit of about $20 billion.
Press Release (newyorkfed.org), August 23, 2012
“When taken together, the total net profit to taxpayers from the New York Fed’s assistance to AIG and AIG-related facilities was $17.7 billion.”
Treasury Sells Final Shares of AIG Common Stock, Positive Return on Overall AIG Commitment Reaches $22.7B 12/11/2012
“Treasury has realized a positive return of $5.0 billion and the Federal Reserve has realized a positive return of $17.7 billion.”
Treasury Sells Final Shares of AIG Common Stock, Positive Return on Overall AIG Commitment Reaches $22.7 Billion
The AIG bailout likely resulted in a loss of $59,980 billion rather than a profit of $20 billion.

“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” Cisero


Just want to say Hello. A former student of AI Charlotte here.

Hi there, I was wondering if these are recent loans or from more than 10 yrs ago? I know there was a case at one point that helped people from AI get their loans dismissed because they had lost accreditation. https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/02/06/feds-give-former-art-institute-students-new-opportunity-loan-forgiveness/

Hello all,
Over $100,000 in debt to just get my foot in the door of the non-profit world. I never expected to be wealthy but at least able to survive. At my current salary I will never be able to pay off my loans, even if I work full time until I am 100 years old.
I’m hoping to find ways to contribute and help move this forward for all of us.


You’ve listed me as a debt striker. I might have - 50 years ago. But we worked them off. Now I’m rich - I can pay my bills. I get social security and a little off a small investment and don’t go anyplace or do anything - I’ve become weak and sore -
I try hard to help build the struggle for communism - socialism -
Norma J F Harrison normaha@pacbell.net


Wow! your quote from Cisero. Considering what just happened at the Capitol. Chilling. I plan to use it on every post I make pertaining to injustice anywhere. As for the rest of your post, those figures are so astronomical, I can’t even begin to comprehend them, yet Biden just want to settle on $10,000. I know enough about that figure to know its not enough.