URGENT NEWS for our members that went to a 4profit school

Disregard, I looked at the message again - apparently I am still included in the case:

Thanks so much for confirming! We weren’t able to include your affidavit in this filing, but we will save it for one of our future filings (the same lawsuit has multiple filings in it, so there should be additional opportunities to submit your testimony to court). Even if we were not able to include your affidavit in our most recent filing, that does not affect your standing in the case. If the court certifies a class, you will still be a class member. If you are interested in following what is happening in the case, we will post updates on our website

That’s right. You are a member of the class even if you are not directly named in the lawsuit.

Did you see that DeVos was held in contempt yesterday?

Yes!!! I am hoping that things will start moving along soon enough!