Teach-in! NYC DC Branch & the NYC-DSA Debt & Finance Working Group 9/15/2021

NYC Massive @NewYork ! Join us this WEDNESDAY September 15, 7-8:30pm EST, link below.

It’s a critical time in the fight for the FULL cancellation of student debt. POTUS has reneged on his campaign promise to cancel $10K and the repayment moratorium is expected to end in January. We are fighting back and we NEED YOU! Join us Wednesday September 15 from 7-9:30pm to discuss and hear about our campaign to cancel all student debt. Co-hosted with the NYC-DSA Debt & Finance Working Group, we will bring together a panel of activists and organizers to break down the student debt crisis, uplift our Debtors Union and share how you can join, share resources as we navigate the upcoming moratorium lift, and let you know what’s next!

RSVP here: 09/15 Debtor Organizing Teach-In: Student Debt Cancellation (w. the Debt Collective) - Action Network