Strategies for the next 2 months

Hello fellow Debtors!

Here and there I like to chime in every few months to see how things are going and I constantly refresh my search on “student debt cancellation” or “Student debt memo” to keep up to date. So far, not much has happened and the August recess is coming up as is the September mandate on student loan pause is ending at the end of September.

I message to you all in hope to rally or even encourage people to write to the President, representative, Senator, Governor, and social media friends. I’ve always heard that “giving good phone” also persuades another person into helping another is true too. Is there any phone banks to representatives going to happen? Or even direct calles to the Senate Budget Comittee Chairman, Bernie Sanders? Or US Treasury Janet Yellen?

Just wondering whatre some steps an average fighting debtor can do to win full cancellation of student debt.

J. Bear