Spread the Word: Weekly Bay Area Chapter Meeting on Wednesdays

We’ve got our San Francisco Bay Area chapter zoom headquarters set up for Wednesday night meetings at 6pm. Please contact me at lavishpraise@gmail.com if you want to find out more. Quake City brewing STRIKE!! Join us from anywhere in the country, spread the word, DEBTORS UNITE!


I am looking to join a Debt Collective Chapter in San Francisco. Is this chapter for student loan debts or other debt-related issues?

Hello Melva,

Our Bay Area Debtors Union meets weekly and is currently serving as a hub of coalition-building with local organizations and initiatives. For the time being our branch’s focus is on the national campaign for Student Loan Cancellation.

If you would like to be added to our emailing list or to invite others, please subscribe via bayareadebtorsunion - Bay Area Debtors Union.

Thank you for your interest! With care, Tiffany K.

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