Political Education Resources and Conversation

Campaign Study Materials

Why are we in so much debt?

How does student debt affect women and black borrowers?

Why full student debt cancellation? Why college for all?

What is the strategy to win? How do we organize?

Want to start a Debt Collective chapter & lead student debt protests?

(shout out: @student_debt members )


Hola como esta me podría informar como va mi caso Gracias

Thank you for the additional information.

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The Topics Are Blocked


Girl , this is FIRE!!! :fire:

August 13

Campaign Study Materials

Why are we in so much debt?

How does student debt affect women and black borrowers?

Why full student debt cancellation? Why college for all?

What is the strategy to win? How do we organize?

Want to start a Debt Collective chapter & lead student debt protests?

(shout out: @student_debt members )

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Thanks @PAMELA_HUNT and this is all the hard work of the folks on the Jubilee School crew. It is awesome they shared the materials. And there will be another session starting in September. So, keep logging back in to see new posts. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thanks a lot for gather this information here. As part of the development team I want to get more informed about the whole context of our organisation. :heart:

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@Dawn_L - thank you so much for this! The youtube videos on #CancelStudentDebt appear to be from an educational course of some sort. Do you have more info on what this was and how to get involved?

@winter @Lauren_Horner Do you all want to connect with @jesseherring. Many thanks!

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hey @jesseherring! these are from the “Jubilee Schools” we organized a few months back. if you’d like to get involved in this campaign please shoot me an email and we should chat! winter@debtcollective.org, you can also copy lauren@debtcollective.org.

look forward to connecting!