OP-ED anyone? ^^We need to get our word out there!

There seems to be a lot of confusion re: student debt relief, so I am working on an op-ed to get our point across. I am seeing a lot of derogatory comments on the concept of student debt relief, such as “Why should I work so you don’t have to…” etc. - obviously people don’t understand the complexity and severity of our situation for being frauded.

I am wondering if any of you have ever done an op-ed for a local newspaper and what successes/lessons learned you may have had? I found this template online and am hoping to have something written up within the next 2-3 days.

I would encourage ALL of you to write a similar letter to your newspaper for publishing ASAP so that our word gets out! I will post my letter here when complete, for review.

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I have written lots of Op Eds but it’s a hit and miss proposition. The bigger the paper, the less likely it will be published, unless you have juice.

The practice of writing never hurts.
I think people should tell their story.
And if it gets picked up… wow! :woman_cartwheeling:
And otherwise, it can still be circulated on social media.
I think media will want to hear from our members.

I hope folks get inspired and responsd.

Hi Everyone. My op-ed How Joe Biden helped inflame the student loan crisis was published this morning in The Plain Dealer. Please forward. Thanks so much!

Geoffrey Peterson
Cleveland, Ohio

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Definitely hit or miss but have to try… I got this in my small town paper on grieving the Bernie campaign – with references to student debt. Please share!
