I came across this website and instantly wanted to get involved. I will be attending law school within the next year or so and wish to use my talents for stoping predatory lending practices. My degree when I graduate is in anthropology; and with the events I am currently going through, I am inspired to do something about how debt is affecting my generation. Your credit score is a necessity these days and to get a credit score you must get into debt in some way or another. I have general ideas at this point which is only a beginning for sure, however they basic bulletpoints are that I want to write legislation preventing debt collection agencies from being able to alter, add, or disclose anything on your credit report. I believe the debt should remain with the original company, and if it falls off your credit score, then it falls off. I believe constantly selling the debt to bring back to your credit report is tantamount to cruel and unusual punishment because it prevents you from obtaining things you need to survive.
Once again I want to get involved but I am just getting started. I would love to write op-eds maybe; I was thinking about writing about companies that are being harassing in nature possibly (i know this would be more like investigative reporting). I just feel motivated and it seems this is the time to do it!