Hoping to open space for maybe several threads for sharing info and experiences with the federal behemoth that prefers to bully the poor rather than spend the effort to find out who’s actually evading amounts that might come to revenue worth the effort to collect.
Among the things learned in my nearly 3-year tussle over less than $6,000:
There’s a form called “Offer in Compromise,” including two general options, (a) I cannot pay my full tax bill, and (b) I could pay, but if I did, it might contribute to a public impression that the tax laws are not administered fairly. You tell them what you are willing to pay, and they accept or reject it.
Under (b), there’s a specialist group to which all such offers are supposed to be submitted, but collections agents do not follow their own rules. -
The IRS Manual, even denser than tax law, but their policies and procedures, is available to the public on line, IRM | Internal Revenue Service, yes pronounced erm.
I’ve just filed against the Commissioner in Tax Court and am waiting for their answer. They do not intimidate me.