Help with Loan Forgiveness

Hello - I am new the Debt Collective and hoping for some help or direction on how to submit my for-profit student loans for debt forgiveness. Please post any recommendations. Thanks in advance.

Make sure to gather as much evidence about the for profit school you attended, like job placement statistics, graduation rate, quality of instructors basically anything suspect or shady about the institution.
And be thorough about how this debt has burdened your quality of life.
And last thing it’s a waiting game , I’ve been waiting since 2016 others, from the 1990s( baffling, i kid you not). Department of Ed are a bunch of lazy sloths.

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Do you qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness? I was told if you could consolidate with MOHELA and prove 120 payments while employed as a public sector or non-profit–it’ll help forgive your loans if you’re in an income-driven repayment plan (IDR). There’s been a $0 and 0% loan pause since March 2020 that would count too.