Hello! I’m Elena Ayala-Hurtado, a Harvard University PhD student seeking participants for my dissertation on the experiences and perspectives of “Millennial” (25-34 year old) college graduates who are struggling financially and/or professionally (including with student loan/other debt). I was graciously allowed to post on this forum in the hope of finding some interested people!
I’m seeking people who live in the Boston, New York City, Washington, DC, or San Francisco metropolitan areas to share their experiences in a virtual, confidential interview. I offer $30 and entry into an iPad raffle to each respondent. Your responses will also contribute to a better understanding of the challenges graduates face!
I’m in the final phase of my data collection, and there are certain demographic groups that I am still urgently seeking to hear from. I’m particularly interested in interviewing white men whose parents didn’t graduate from college and Black men, regardless of their parents’ educational background.
Are you interested in participating (and helping me out)? Fill out the 2-minute preliminary survey at: https://harvard.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8oGDVjhU6aEJamx.
Or, for more information, email insecuritygrads2020@fas.harvard.edu.
Thank you!
Elena Ayala-Hurtado