Can the borrower defense clause be used against a public university?

Can the borrower defense clause be used against a public university?


"your school broke its contract with you (like, for example, failing to fulfill a promise that was the basis for your decision to enroll)."

Then I can show how my $50k loan for two semesters of very expensive–aka non-professional–adult education is holding me back with a home and financing a child’s education"

You also have to show that the school’s misconduct caused you harm that warrants a full discharge of your loans.

Has anyone tried this against a public university grad school? Been successful?



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I filed a BD document against FIU in Miami for the Landscape Architecture MLA program. It takes 10 years to resolve. That’s the notice I received. I felt is was important to do it anyway because they made open and public claims about jobs everywhere many times. The ASLA FL chapter came to the schools for public meetings and pushed getting a license for our careers. In my case, it was compounded by age discrimination. The few firms hiring - hired younger workers and therefore I have been denied work for my small business (had to start one) and income from alleged “jobs everywhere”.
Not sure if this comment helps you. I filed it anyway because they have much to answer for in my case. Plus they were dishonest about the true cost of the program.
Best of luck to ya.

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It’s definitely different in that. I already have a degree and a license and I’ve had work and articles published and I’ve been teaching. You’re in a different spot and I wish I could help you. I know people who are tremendously successful landscape architects. They were all given a chance and then ran with it. But we all don’t have the same opportunities

Well, when it comes to licensure they can’t use age discrimination to prevent me from competing with them. Which is the real reason. And, there are 5 jobs at the most for 30 students. And, Florida is the biggest market for LAs.

If they promise jobs, they must deliver or its fraud. If you don’t get the one year of experience under the exclusive domain of only an RLA, you’ll never ever get a license. Easy way to keep out the best of the competition.

I have already filed complaints with more to come for the Florida Dept of Regulation.

Ironically, I have never heard any other design professional speak well of RLAs. They always say they know nothing about plants, design, nor construction.

I had to go back and take those classes again (real ones) because the FIU program (and seems UF as well) is just fraud.

Thank you :slight_smile: cheers!