Congress really needs to start bailing out the AMERICAN PEOPLE by cancelling Student Loan Debt, instead of casinos, banks, oil companies and airlines, which will go directly into the CEO’s pockets as bonuses. Our Senators and Representatives must start, for once, to represent the interest of the AMERICAN PEOPLE instead of big business. Otherwise, we will continue to REGRESS to a ruling class and taxation without representation, which is why this country was founded. Most developed countries are PROGRESSING, not RE-GRESSING.
As a life-long hard of hearing individual, I have always had to be better than everyone else in order to prove myself among the hearing world. I continue this practice by foolishly going to a Government funded and accredited for-profit college, which also had an A+ rating from the Better Business Beau because they had job placement service on campus, which as a new resident of Arizona I needed. I also wanted a better paying job and was told that my education would be paid for through grants by the government because of my hearing disability; only to find out, after graduation, that student loans were taken out in my name without my knowledge or consent. The government knowingly funded and accredited a fraudulent business practice, which is a crime and continue to commit another crime against me by refusing to obey the Higher Education Act of 1995 and discharging my loan despite the fact that I have filled out and sent in (twice) the Defense to Repayment form, and been unemployed since graduating in 2010, despite haven gone back to school two more times afterwards without finding gainful employment.