I don’t see a way out.
I am not looking for debt-cancellation; I am just looking for some kind of hope.
I recognize that I made some poor decisions, and that those played a role in why I find myself in my current indebted situation.
I wrongly thought (if I thought at all) that it would be relatively easy for me to pay back student loans.
I wrongly thought that having university degrees would make it easier for me to find a stable job with decent pay and benefits.
I wrongly thought that I would be able to escape the intense financial hardships of my childhood with education.
I wrongly thought that I could free myself from the fetters of poverty if I could just free my mind from the psychological limits it imposes and that I could do so by following my intellectual and creative desires instead of dollar signs.
I wrongly thought that pursuing a career path in a field for which I had deep passion and interest would help carry me through and past difficult times, and that I would ultimately find myself in a better place.
I wrongly thought that moving from a very conservative, rural area to a large metropolitan area in search of greater opportunity and creative and intellectual stimulation, not to mention greater freedom to be who I am and freer from the threat of violence and humiliation, was not the solution it promised to be as it is far more expensive.
I see that those misconceptions among many others are part of why I have a huge debt now, and that as everything, I must live with the consequences of my decisions.
I also see that my debt has more than doubled since I finished graduate school due to the high interest rates of my loans.
I also see that my debt increases each year because interest capitalizes and compounds because I don’t make enough money even to pay just the interest on the loan.
I also see that unlike other debt, I cannot discharge it anymore due to laws passed by Congress more than 20 years ago.
I also see that I cannot re-finance my loans to a lower interest rate if I want the meager protections the government provides.
I also see that if I wait out the entire loan term that although the remaining balance will indeed be discharged, that it will nonetheless therefore be counted as income for which I will be responsible for income tax; and that I will have to enter into some sort of payment plan even more harsh than the current one.
I also see that if I make it through to the end of my loan term that I will be a senior citizen in retirement without a pension or savings and over 1 million dollars in debt.